Dave had been a dedicated student of over 15 years, training several times every week and attending courses all over the country as well as the Hong Kong Aikikai’s 25th Anniversary in 1996.

Her travelled with Riley Sensei on many occasions to assist as uke at courses in both Durham and Sunderland.

After being found to have a heart defect and low blood pressure, Dave had to cut short his aikido training. Even though he couldn’t get on the mat, Dave still kept involved with the White Rose, and attended all functions that were on hand with his wife Jackie, who ran the Association’s membsership for many years.

The White Rose Aikikai is saddened to inform that Dave Beaumont, Nidan, passed away on the 13th of March 2008.Footnote by Sensei Riley –

Dave was not only one of my students, but also a very good friend. His enthusiasm was amazing, not just for aikido, but for anything he was involved in, and his obituary from our local paper highlights this.

He was rarely without a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye. He was known as ‘Mr Excess’ as he never did anything by halves, and lived life to the full.

He will be sadly missed by all of us